Don Whelton

Don Welton


Donald and Anne Welton were married in 1959 and raised two children, Lisa Cotton and Mark Welton. They purchased the Old Escambia Farms School property in 1972, and moved onto the property in 1978, where Mark and Lisa grew up.  The property is adjacent to what is now the Triple R Ranch property, and the Hawkins’ house located on the Ranch is the former Teacherage used by the Teachers back in the 40’s for the Escambia Farms K-12 school.  Don is a retired Lt.Col. in the Air Force and also retired as the Administrator of Rocky Bayou Christian Academy after 12 years in Christian Education. Don has adopted the vision of Triple R Ministries and has made it a matter of daily prayer each morning and as such considers himself to be a Joshua 13:1 man, serving as directed by our Lord!